What We're Learning


We are currently working on our spelling words and focusing on specific sounds.
Students are continuing to develop their reading and understanding. They are practicing their speaking and listening in French. Writing is focusing on neat and legiable printing, proper puncutation and trying to sound out new or unfamiliar words. Simple sentences that make sense are our focus right now!


Counting to 100 forwards and backwards. Developing our skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's. Ordering numbers from smallest to largest. Practing our basic math facts from 0-10. Working on our patterning unit. Asking what is a pattern? Explain a sorting rule, explore different types of patterns using numbers, shapes and other ideas. Create a pattern inspired by the First People's culture.


We are starting with our Salmon life cycle unit. We are learning the different stages, their needs the risks and dangers of each stage. We will continue with our force and motion unit. Learning how force and friction can affect the motion of objects.

Social Studies:

We will look at ourselves and our places in our communities. Recognize that our actions have an effect on more than just ourselves, but our environment as well. Develop different ways to peoples needs and wants are met in their community and how we can help others.
